P3Nano – Advancing Commercialization of Cellulosic Nanomaterials
P3Nano is a public-private partnership aimed at rapidly commercializing cellulosic nanomaterials. With our partners, the Endowment is investing in non-competitive research to take full advantage of the unique properties of cellulose at the nanoscale.
Uncommonly durable and lightweight, products made from wood-based cellulosic nanomaterial have the potential to revolutionize the auto, aerospace, electronics, food packaging, and other industries. It can be used in a variety of ways, such as fortifying cement, reinforcing plastics, creating fiberglass alternatives, reinventing fiberboard, developing more sustainable packaging, and much more.
Read about research on nano-cellulosic materials that’s going on in our very own parking lot here.
Additional information: The Science Behind Including Cellulosic Nanomaterials in Concrete