Learnings From Multi-Year Pilot To Support Local Wood-To-Energy Projects

Learnings From Multi-Year Pilot To Support Local Wood-To-Energy Projects The U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities (Endowment) today released a report, “LEAF: Local Energy for American Fund Pilots, Outcomes, and Lessons,” that assessed results of an effort to enlist private capital in support of converting fossil fuel systems to locally-derived wood-to-energy. One of the greatest […]

Enviva Forest Conservation Fund Awards 2018 Grants

Enviva Forest Conservation Fund Awards 2018 Grants Expands restoration and conservation of sensitive forest ecosystems and wetlands U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities, Greenville, SC For IMMEDIATE RELEASE (May 23, 2018) Bethesda, Md. and Greenville, S.C. – The Enviva Forest Conservation Fund (the Fund) today announced the recipients of its 2018 suite of grants. The […]

Using Forest Carbon Offsets for State Revolving Fund Loan Repayment

This report assesses the potential for using forest carbon offsets (also known as forest carbon credits) to repay loans from Clean Water State Revolving Funds (Clean Water SRFs) and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (Drinking Water SRFs). The report is part of a larger research effort examining how to expand opportunities to use SRF funding […]

Exploring the Use of Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Programs for Land Conservation Projects in Four Western States: California, Oregon, Washington, and Colorado.

This project sought to explore the potential to use Clean Water State Revolving Funds (CSWRF) and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (DWSRF) to finance source water protection through land conservation in California, Oregon, Washington, and Colorado.1 Phase II specifically focused on understanding the current use of and priorities for the SRF programs; developing strategies to […]

Canada/U.S. Forest Health Summitt III

This report documents the actions at the Third Canada-U.S. Forest Health Summit. At the summit, the co-chairs emphasized that science, technology, and innovation in the forest sector are integral to the economic and social prosperity of both countries and that collaboration can strengthen environmental sustainability and industry competitiveness. View PDF

Canada/ U.S. Forest Health Summit II

This document provides the results of an Endowment convening sponsored by   the USDA Forest Service (USFS) and the Canadian Forest Service (CFS) of Natural Resources Canada to address specific opportunities to enhance cross-border collaboration in research and development to advance forest health to the first-ever Canada/U.S. Forest Health Summit held in June 2012.   View […]

Canada/ U.S. Forest Health Summit I

This is the report of the first-ever meeting between the  USDA Forest Service (USFS) and the Canadian Forest Service (CFS) of Natural Resources Canada to plan ways to collaborate on forest health issues; it was sponsored by the Endowment. The first-ever such meeting. View PDF

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